Current Prototype in Market

Current Prototype in Market

Reimagining Physiotherapy Delivery Through Games



Product Design for Rymo, a health-tech start-up gamifying physiotherapy.

Role → UI/UX Designer

Duration → March 2019 - July 2021

Tools → XD, Illustrator, Blender

My Contributions →


'Physiotherapy is boring.'

Often, patients who undergo physiotherapy have also been through a mentally and physically taxing chain of events. They experience low motivation, poor self-esteem, and in some severe cases depression and PTSD. Having lost a sense of independence, they're not too keen on completing their mundane physiotherapy course with repetitive exercises.

Increase in “Physiotherapy near me” searches over the last 10 years in India.

Increase in “Physiotherapy near me” searches over the last 10 years in India.

On the other hand, overburdened physiotherapists have a transactional relationship with their patients. Doctors have felt the need to be able to better share quantitative progress with patients so as to be able to motivate them with real milestones.

What is the product?

Identifying this void in the Indian market, Rymo developed a physical rehabilitation device that gamifies patients’ physiotherapy journey by incorporating games and exercise routines in a rehabilitation device.

Different modules attach to the device allowing different exercises and gameplays on the app.

I had the opportunity to work as the sole designer with the team at Rymo. Thanks to the diverse nature of the design problems the startup was facing, I wore multiple hats and designed and prototyped the digital (UI Design) and physical interfaces (Product Casing and Aesthetics) of the product through its two iterations.

Early Sketches and Wireframes

Early Sketches and Wireframes

Early Sketches and Wireframes

Early Sketches and Wireframes

Opportunity Statements

Patients need the motivation to adhere to their physiotherapy routine and eventually ease back into their routine lives.

Doctors need a quantitative way to measure patient progress and keep them engaged in sessions.


Instead of trying to refine the concept, we did quick and dirty prototypes and then tested ideas by running them through the team and doctors on a weekly basis. Our workflow was heavily inspired by IDEO’s version of the Design Thinking methodology.

$Learn > Define > Design > Evaluate > Learn$

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